Package: installation-reportsBoot method: CD. Image retrieved from cdimage/daily-builds/daily/current/powerpc/iso-cd/ Image version: current/powerpc/iso-cd/debian-testing-powerpc-netinst.iso 2006-08-04
Date: 2006-08-04 - 2006-08-09
Machine: IBM RS/6000 7046-b50 Processor: 604r 375 MHz Memory: 1GB Partitions: not applicable Output of lspci and lspci -n: not applicable Base System Installation Checklist: [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it Initial boot worked: [E] Configure network HW: [ ] Config network: [ ] Detect CD: [ ] Load installer modules: [ ] Detect hard drives: [ ] Partition hard drives: [ ] Create file systems: [ ] Mount partitions: [ ] Install base system: [ ] Install boot loader: [ ] Reboot: [ ] Comments/Problems:The stock image does not reach the yaboot boot: prompt but fails with a unexpected firmware error. If I modify the image by adding the boot loader by Open Suse 10 Enterprise beta for ppc I got there. I'm able to boot a kernel from install/powerpc, but not with an initrd image. When I try to use the initrd-image I got the same unexpected firmware error as with the stock yaboot. Without the initrd-image I run into the problem that the boooting stopps with not finding a root filesystem. The weird thing is that I could use the cd's from the Open Suse Enterprise 10.x beta and those boot and even install. On a RS/6000 with 2 two cpu's (h80?) the system installs the ppc64 without any major problems. I updated the firmware up to the recent version available at IBM. If I could be at further assistance do not hesitate to ask.
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