CD images using the latest upload are being built right now, so the 
release of Beta 3 should happen within the next 24 hours.

This means it is now OK to commit post-Beta 3 changes to SVN again.

So, what's next.
There are a few changes I'd like to see happen as soon as possible:
- drop support for 2.4 for i386 and 2.2/2.4 for m68k
- switch to 2.6.17 kernel udebs (long term 2.6.16 maintenance no
  longer seems to be an option for the kernel team)
- switch to new directfb/gtk libs for graphical installer

These are also the primairy targets for RC1. In addition we have the 
following items [1]:
* Implement 2.6 floppy support for i386 (ninou/joeyh)
* Switch to dhcp3
* Supplemental repository support for udebs (waldi)
* Persistent device naming for hard disks
* Bring back localization-config (markos)
* Selinux support (manoj)
* IPv6 support
* Preseeding changes (fil)
* Fix usability issues for S/390 (waldi/fjp)
* Various partman changes, mainly:
  * add partman-auto-crypto (alphix) (requires partman-auto UI change)
  * add partman-auto-raid (huggie)   (requires partman-auto UI change)
  * create ext3 partitions with resize_inode option

According to the release planning for Etch, we were supposed to release 
RC1 next week. With the release of Beta3 this week, I feel we have a 
sufficiently solid version of the installer that that goal can be said to 
have been met. However, the Beta is not quite a RC release and with the 
changes listed above there is still work to do.

I'd like to try for the actual RC1 release 2nd half of September. This 
will allow us sufficient time to polish the installer after that for an 
RC2 release.

This implies that RC1 will really be the last release where functional 
changes can be accepted for Etch and certainly the last release for major 
string additions/changes.
Translators should make an effort to be up-to-date with their translations 
for RC1 and use RC2 for fixes from installation tests and review. 
Christian and I have been talking about formalizing a release policy for 
translations to help decide which can and which may not be included.


[1] The full list can be found at the bottom of:

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