On Thursday 10 August 2006 10:30, Tapio Lehtonen wrote:
> --- translations_po.txt-2006-08-09    2006-08-10 11:22:01.877429663 +0300
> +++ translations_po.txt       2006-08-10 11:24:40.083849268 +0300
> @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
>  - gettext
>  - poxml
>  - gawk
> +- docbook-xls

The basic build requirements are listed in build/README and I do not want 
to repeat those here. (But I do agree that the three documents should be 
intergrated into a single more coherent document...)

> -Use the following commands:
> +First add your language code to debian/langlist, then use
> +the following commands:
>    1. ./scripts/merge_xml en
>    2. ./scripts/update_pot
>    3. ./scripts/update_po <your language>

Adding the language code to debian/langlist is not needed to run these 
scripts, nor for building the manual using buildone.sh. I prefer keeping 
control over debian/langlist myself as it determines which languages are 
built for a release.

As for your question in a private mail if the generated XML files could be 
made available. I don't want to commit them in SVN as the the rule is not 
to include generated (and thus redundant) files. I guess I could make 
them available on alioth, but that would mean a not inconsiderable extra 
upload for me when building the manual.
As it is possible for translators to create the files themself (even 
without actually building the manual) and as translators can always 
contact me if they have trouble finding the cause of an error, I 
currently don't see sufficient need to make them available to justify the 
extra upload time.


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