
On Thursday 13 July 2006 22:54, Rick Thomas wrote:
> Actually, when you choose "continue without installing
> bootloader" (or something like that) it clearly tells you what you
> need to do regarding "root=" and so on.  But there's a gotcha...

btw, so http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=258545 is fixed by 
now? and can be closed? (The only issue I see in this bug report is what I 
put into the bug title "dont install quik if bootX is detected" and I do 
believe this is fixed.)

> The BootX dialog box makes it *appear* that having an initrd is
> incompatible with setting "root=" on the command line by, when you
> choose an initrd image, deleting the box where you put your root
> device designation and replacing it with a box where you chose the
> size for the the RAM area to load initrd.  But *actually* you still
> can tell it to put a "root=" on the command line manually in the
> "additional arguments" box without ill effects, even though you have
> chosen an initrd.

Please provide a patch for a better wording.


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