> 1. Timezone selection didn't seem to let me choose for central European time
> like sarge installer did.

Please be more precise here. Which language did you install with?

If you did choose English and whichever country as only one timezone,
then the installer did choose the timezone of that country without
asking you. So, for instance, if you choose English then Netherlands,
you'll end up with a system setup for CET. Same of course, if you did
choose Dutch then Netherlands, of course.

> 2. Left select and install software which I left on the defaults. After
> installation finished there was an error which was gone after the installer
> retried installing everything again. Eventually it finished without errors
> and rebooted resulting in a "boot failure" because the harddisk does not
> seem to be bootable.

We need more details here. What "error" and when exactly ?

The boot failure is probably a device naming issue. Something that
actually has been solved in recent daily builds (please try some of
them if you can reinstall this machine).

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