On Fri, Mar 24, 2006 at 03:48:14PM +0100, Andy Ruddock wrote:
> I'm currently working on a project which I'd like to base around the
> debian stable distribution, for reasons of stability / ease of updates.
> However, the machines that this will be installed on require a kernel
> module for SATA drives not in the standard installer.
> Could somebody please point me in the right direction towards some
> documentation detailing how this can be achieved? ie Stable installer,
> but with a custom kernel.
Kenshi Muto's netinst image - 125MB mini-CD installer for Debian 3.1
"sarge" on i386, using the sarge d-i installer and kernel version
2.6.14. Compatibility to Debian: excellent.


Tapio Lehtonen

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