Hi Clytie,

On Sun, Mar 19, 2006 at 12:06:27PM +1030, Clytie Siddall wrote:
> >As for the fontsize we can increase it, so it would not be a problem.
> Great. I'd like to have a more detailed look at the font.

I took a screenshot of the same text using a fonstsize of 16 points:

> The user will be able to choose font-size for the installer, won't  
> they? If not, I suggest a slightly larger size than "normal" for  
> Vietnamese, because we have to distinguish all the accents, and some  
> of them do blend in to each other at smaller sizes.

Being realistic, I guess it'll take a while before we offer the user
the chance to change properties of fonts during installation; on the
other hand Frans is about to add some code which makes it possible
to use different size for different languages: we will take into account
your suggestion and increase default fontsize for Vietnamese (we already
have to do it for Arabic / Persian)

> >Perhaps you should file a bug for the freefont authors;
> I shall: I know they want to know these things.

I'll post some pictures of Vietnamese text using dejavu fonts as soon as
the new version of the package is available so... stay tuned :)


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