>Cool :-) Do you create a list of unicodes which are used and leave it >like that, or do you compress consecutive codes in ranges? (This is >important when passing long sequences like the ones resulting for CJK, >Indic and RTL languages, in order not to have memeory consumption set >too high).
I already committed a script (IIRC lst2rng.sh) which converts a list of sorted coordinates into a list of ranges compatible with the stripping script. Ciao Davide Tiscali ADSL 4 Mega Flat Naviga senza limiti con l'unica Adsl a 4 Mega di velocità a soli 19,95 € al mese! Attivala subito e hai GRATIS 2 MESI e l'ATTIVAZIONE. http://abbonati.tiscali.it/banner/middlepagetracking.html?c=webmailadsl&r=http://abbonati.tiscali.it/adsl/sa/4flat_tc/&a=webmail&z=webmail&t=14