> I wanted to updated the wiki with the new infor regarding Bengali and
> Hindi, but in order to update the wiki correctly I need to know 
> font was used in the screenshots you posted.

This is what we currently use:

bn    - Bengali (MuktiNarrow_11-08-2005.ttf)
hi    - Hindi (Gargi_1.7.ttf)
pa_IN - Punjabi (Gumurkhi) (Saab.ttf)

Frans has uploaded a new iso [1] which reflects all the changes
necessary to make sure Indic scripts work properly (see [2] for
details): now that it's available please test that image rather than
the one I built recently.

AFAICT the languages not working yet are Persian (wrong ligatures)
and Vietnamese (missing glyphs)

My plan is to fix Persian ASAP (switching from ae_AlMohanad.ttf
to Nazli and doing proper stripping should be enough).

Vietnamese should be fixed once the new ttf-freefont package will be
available; new ttf-freefont will be used also for indic scripts and
once available we will use it in place of MuktiNarrow, Gargi, Saab.

I hope I did not make too much confusion; the situation is a bit messy
ATM but almost under control, so it souldn't take too long before we
finally have a proper set of font for g-i.


[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/GUI
[2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2006/02/msg00557.html

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