(I keep you CC'ed as I don't know whether you're subscribed to debian-boot. Please mention me if that's unneeded. I also CC the debian-i18n mailing list which is now the communication channel for D-I i18n, as well as the debian-in-workers mailing list where most of the contributors of Indic i18n/l10n in Debian are subscribed. People in these lists may want to read the full initial mail, which I copied at the end of this answer)
> I want to start Punjabi language Translation. We are > two person now want to start work for debian. This is great news, for sure. Looks like the Indic languages translators are more and more to think about starting translation work for Debian. Fine. First of all, the Debian Installer translation in any Indic language is mostly a work for the future : the sarge installer does not support the rendering needed by Indic languages. Previous analysis has shown that this rendering, which can me made, IIRC, thorough the Pango libraries, needs a GTK environment. So, this brings out the need for a graphical installer. The work on this part of Debian Installer, which started in early 2003, was stalled for a long time and was revived recently by Colin Watson. However, one cannot expect something working before the releases which will follow the release of Debian sarge. It is currently slowly progressing because most D-I developers focus on sarge release (and also because Colin is one of Debian release managerswhich is a time-consuming task currently). Anyway, having material requiring a graphical installer to exist is certainly a good motivation for the work to go on..:-) As usual with new languages, you need to look over the existing documentation about D-I i18n. Then follow the instructions there... This is maybe what you did, as the first step mentioned here is "get in touch with the d-i team", which you just did. The second step is " Prerequisites". It mentions the need for an existing locale in Debian for you language. As "pa_IN" exists, we're OK with that. The third step is " Request for early support for your language in Debian Installer": Your language ISO code is "pa" (which you certainly know!). The official name I see from the Debian iso-codes package is "Panjabi". Please confirm this is OK (as you mentioned "Punjabi" there's maybe room for some check here....Debian's ISO-639 table may be wrong) Later, we will go through the next steps.... Initial mail: > Hi All > > I want to start Punjabi language Translation. We are > two person now want to start work for debian. > > Punjabi-> > Punjabi is Indic Language. > > Team -> > > Punlinux (Punjabi Linux Team) > http://punlinux.sf.net > > > mailing-list > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Thanks > > Amanpreet Singh Alam > Punjabi team > > Alamwala