
As the consensus seems to be that silo checks belong better in silo-installer, I have updated the patch by moving it to silo-installer and adding a check that the disk where kernel is installed has sun disklabel. Note that this check depends on the new parted_server command GET_DISK_TYPE, for which the patch has been submitted as #287931. Patch against current svn source of silo-installer is attached. IMPORTANT: the patch creates a new file finish.d/silo_check, which must be executable. As patch does not have control over file permissions, whoever is going to commit it has to 'chmod +x finish.d/silo_check' after applying the patch, otherwise it will not run!

Best regards,

Jurij Smakov                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Key: http://www.wooyd.org/pgpkey/                   KeyID: C99E03CC
diff -aurN --exclude po --exclude .svn silo-installer_orig/debian/rules 
--- silo-installer_orig/debian/rules    2004-12-30 01:41:57.000000000 -0500
+++ silo-installer/debian/rules 2004-12-29 17:02:44.000000000 -0500
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
        dh_clean -k
-#      debian/install-rc finish.d
+       debian/install-rc finish.d
diff -aurN --exclude po --exclude .svn 
--- silo-installer_orig/debian/silo-installer.templates 2004-12-30 
01:41:57.000000000 -0500
+++ silo-installer/debian/silo-installer.templates      2004-12-29 
18:06:48.000000000 -0500
@@ -22,36 +22,37 @@
 # Main menu text
 _Description: Install the SILO boot loader on a hard disk
-Template: silo-installer/non-sun-partitions
-Type: boolean
-Default: false
-_Description: Install /boot on a disk with an unsupported partition table?
- To be bootable from the PROM, silo and the kernel it loads must be
- installed on a disk which uses Sun disklabels for its partition
- table.  Your /boot directory is not located on such a disk.  If you
- proceed, you will not be able to boot your system using SILO, and will
- need to boot it some other way.
+Template: silo-installer/silo_bad_fs
+Type: note
+_Description: Warning: unsupported boot filesystem type!
+ In order to be successfully loaded by SILO (Sparc Linux Loader), the
+ kernel must reside on an ext2, ext3 or ufs formatted partition. In
+ the current partitioning scheme the kernel is going to be installed
+ on the ${SILO_PART} partition of type ${SILO_TYPE}. It is strongly
+ recommended that you go back to partitioning and correct this
+ problem. Keeping the current configuration may result in an
+ unbootable system.
-Template: silo-installer/non-ext2-boot
-Type: boolean
-Default: false
-_Description: Use unsupported filesystem type for /boot?
- SILO requires /boot to be located on an ext2 or ext3 partition on
- a bootable device.  This means that either the root partition must be
- an ext2 filesystem, or you must have a separate ext2 partition mounted at
- /boot.
- .
- Currently, /boot is located on a partition of type ${PARTTYPE}.  If you
- keep this setting, you will not be able to boot your Debian system
- using SILO.
+Template: silo-installer/silo_too_far
+Type: note
+_Description: Warning: boot partition may cause problems with SILO!
+ This machine is likely to suffer from a firmware bug, which makes it
+ impossible for SILO (Sparc Linux Loader) to boot a kernel placed
+ farther than 1 GB from the beginning of the disk. To avoid problems
+ it is strongly recommended to install the kernel into a partition
+ which fits entirely within the first GB of the disk (by creating a
+ small /boot partition in the beginning of the disk, for example). In
+ the current partitioning scheme it is going to be installed onto the
+ ${SILO_PART} partition which extends up to ${SILO_OFF} mark. Keeping
+ this configuration may result in an unbootable system.
-Template: silo-installer/boot-after-1024cyl
-Type: boolean
-Default: false
-_Description: Install /boot on a disk with an unsupported partition table?
- You are using a 32-bit SPARC machine. On many of these, it is unlikely that
- Debian will boot if /boot resides in a partition that extends past the
- first 1024 cylinders of the hard disk. /boot currently resides in a
- partition that extends to cylinder ${CYL}. You should change this by reducing
- the size of the partition or creating a separate, smaller partition just for
- /boot.
+Template: silo-installer/silo_bad_disk
+Type: note
+_Description: Warning: unsupported partition table on the boot disk!
+ SILO (Sparc Linux Loader) can only boot the kernel off a disk with
+ the "sun" partition table. In the current partitioning scheme the 
+ kernel is going to be installed on the ${SILO_PART} partition located
+ on a disk with the partition table of type "${SILO_DISK}". It is
+ strongly recommended that you go back to partitioning and correct
+ this problem. Keeping the current configuration may result in an
+ unbootable system.
diff -aurN --exclude po --exclude .svn 
--- silo-installer_orig/finish.d/find_silo_bootable_disk        2004-12-30 
01:41:57.000000000 -0500
+++ silo-installer/finish.d/find_silo_bootable_disk     1969-12-31 
19:00:00.000000000 -0500
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -e
-. /lib/partman/definitions.sh
-# Verify that /boot is on an ext2/3 partition on a disk using Sun
-# disklabels, so that the system will actually be bootable.
-get_silo_root_boot() {
-       (for i in /lib/partman/fstab.d/*; do
-               [ -x "$i" ] || continue
-               $i
-       done) | 
-       while read fs mp type options dump pass
-       do
-               if [ "$mp" = / ]; then
-                       echo "root_type=$type; root_fs=$fs;"
-               elif [ "$mp" = /boot ]; then
-                       echo "boot_type=$type; boot_fs=$fs;"
-               fi
-       done
-eval "$(get_silo_root_boot)"
-if [ -z "$boot_fs" ]
-       boot_fs=$root_fs
-       boot_type=$root_type
-for dev in $DEVICES/*
-       [ -d "$dev" ] || continue
-       cd $dev
-       partitions=
-       open_dialog PARTITIONS
-       while { read_line num id size type fs path name; [ "$id" ]; }; do
-               if [ -d "$id" ] && [ "$path" = "$boot_fs" ]; then
-                       ourdev=$dev
-                       disk="$(cat ${dev}/device)"
-                       break
-               fi
-       done
-       close_dialog
-       # We got /boot or /. Hooray!
-       if [ -n "$disk" ]; then
-               # /boot or / goes past the 1024cyl barrier
-               open_dialog GET_CHS "$id"
-               read_line start_cyl start_head start_sector end_cyl end_head 
-               close_dialog
-               # Only sparc32 suffers from this problem though.
-               if [ "$end_cyl" -gt 1024 ] && [ "$(archdetect)" = sparc/sparc32 
]; then
-                       db_subst silo-installer/boot-after-1024cyl CYL 
-                       db_input critical silo-installer/boot-after-1024cyl
-                       db_go
-                       db_get silo-installer/boot-after-1024cyl
-                       # Bail out
-                       if [ "$RET" = false ]; then
-                               exit 1
-                       fi
-               fi
-               break
-       fi
-# Make sure the disk is using a Sun disklabel or nothing will boot!
-label=$(parted "$disk" print | sed -n 's/Disk label type: //p')
-if [ "$label" != sun ]; then
-       db_input critical silo-installer/non-sun-partitions
-       db_go
-       db_get silo-installer/non-sun-partitions
-       if [ "$RET" = false ]; then
-               exit 1
-       fi
-# SILO only groks ext2/3.
-if [ "$boot_type" != ext2 ] && [ "$boot_type" != ext3 ]
-       db_subst silo-installer/non-ext2-boot PARTTYPE $boot_type 
-       db_input critical silo-installer/non-ext2-boot
-       db_go
-       db_get silo-installer/non-ext2-boot
-       if [ "$RET" = false ]; then
-               exit 1
-       fi
diff -aurN --exclude po --exclude .svn silo-installer_orig/finish.d/_numbers 
--- silo-installer_orig/finish.d/_numbers       2004-12-30 01:41:57.000000000 
+++ silo-installer/finish.d/_numbers    2004-12-29 17:02:30.000000000 -0500
@@ -1 +1 @@
-05 find_silo_bootable_disk
+05 silo_check
diff -aurN --exclude po --exclude .svn silo-installer_orig/finish.d/silo_check 
--- silo-installer_orig/finish.d/silo_check     1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 
+++ silo-installer/finish.d/silo_check  2004-12-30 01:41:34.000000000 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# SILO can only boot from ext[23] or ufs filesystem, located on a disk 
+# with a sun disklabel. Also, if the old PROM version is used (major 
+# version <= 2), the complete partition where kernel is installed must
+# fit within 1GB from the beginning of the disk.
+# -- Jurij Smakov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thu, 30 Dec 2004 01:40:34 -0500
+. /lib/partman/definitions.sh
+  arch=$(archdetect 2>/dev/null) || exit 0
+  cpu="${arch%%/*}"
+  [ "${cpu}" = "sparc" ] || exit 0
+  [ -f /proc/cpuinfo ] || exit 0
+  prom="$(grep '^prom' /proc/cpuinfo | grep -v '^promlib')"
+  prom_version="${prom##*: }"
+  prom_major="${prom_version%%.*}"
+  echo "prom_major=${prom_major}"
+  result=''
+  startdir="$(pwd)"
+  for dev in $DEVICES/*; do
+    [ -d "$dev" ] || continue
+    cd $dev
+    partitions=''
+    open_dialog PARTITIONS
+    while { read_line num id size type fs path name; [ "$id" ]; }; do
+       [ -f "${id}/mountpoint" ] || continue
+       mp=$(cat ${id}/mountpoint)
+       [ "${mp}" = /boot ] && \
+          result="boot_name=${mp} boot_fs=${fs} boot_last=${id##*-} 
+       [ "${mp}" = / ] && [ -z "${result}" ] && \
+          result="boot_name=${mp} boot_fs=${fs} boot_last=${id##*-} 
+    done
+    close_dialog
+cd "${startdir}"
+echo "${result}"
+  if ! longint_le "${boot_last}" 1073741824 ; then
+      db_subst silo-installer/silo_too_far SILO_PART "${boot_name}"
+      db_subst silo-installer/silo_too_far SILO_OFF "$(longint2human 
+      db_input critical silo-installer/silo_too_far || true
+      db_go || exit 1
+  fi
+  case "${boot_fs}" in
+      ext2|ext3|ufs)
+         ;;
+      *)
+         db_subst silo-installer/silo_bad_fs SILO_PART "${boot_name}"
+         db_subst silo-installer/silo_bad_fs SILO_TYPE "${boot_fs}"
+         db_input critical silo-installer/silo_bad_fs || true
+         db_go || exit 1
+         ;;
+  esac
+  if [ "${boot_dev}" ]; then
+      cd "${boot_dev}"
+      open_dialog GET_DISK_TYPE
+      read_line disk_type
+      close_dialog
+      if [ "${disk_type}" != "sun" ]; then
+          db_subst silo-installer/silo_bad_disk SILO_PART "${boot_name}"
+          db_subst silo-installer/silo_bad_disk SILO_DISK "${disk_type}"
+         db_input critical silo-installer/silo_bad_disk || true
+         db_go || exit 1
+      fi
+  fi
+eval "$(boot_part_params)"
+eval "$(prom_major_version)"
+[ -n "${prom_major}" ] || exit 0
+[ "${prom_major}" -le 2 ] || exit 0

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