also sprach Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004.12.17.0818 +0100]:
> Updating pci map information in the kernel requires getting a patch to
> the maintainer of the driver, through the kernel lieutenants, and to
> Linus.

Alternatively, you can use /etc/hotplug/*.usermap to provide updated
information. In any case, I would assume it would be just another
instance of Debian contributing upstream if it made any changes
available to the kernel team, after using usermap entries to cater
for them until the next kernel release is out.

> Moreover, since the kernel allows multiple drivers to claim to
> support a device, some do, even if it's based on bad information
> or even if one driver does a very poor job with it. Driver authors
> are sometimes not the best ones to make such decisions, it's too
> easy to see your code as the best.

I fail to see how this is a problem. First, each such instance
should be filed as a bug. Second, it's equally possible to work
around this with hotplug.

> discover1-data is a very simple arch-all package which can be
> trivially updated in the debian archive. We could even update it
> for point releases of sarge after the release, with very little
> difficulty. Updating the whole kernel to correct pci mapping
> information in it is a much bigger undertaking.

I give you that hotplug updates are more complicated than
discover1-data. If this is really a problem, then I guess we should
try to split hotplug up.

Than again, I am not sure how much use an arch all package is for
device driver databases... It's probably small enough so that having
entries e.g. specific to s390 do not cause problems on x86.

Anyway, your script shows that there is some work to be done.
I wonder if it's worth it...

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 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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