Am 12.12.04 haute [EMAIL PROTECTED] zum Thema „Debian permanently hangs during installation boot process“ in die Tasten:
> SITUATION > Debian permanently hangs during installation boot process. > Last boot entry: "aacraid raid driver version, Apr 20 2002" If I got it right, you are not able to see your hard disk unsing the Debian „boot CD“- functions. And what about the „Installation Main-Menue“, where you have first tell Debian in which partition, define, mount, swap and so on --> Are you able to come till this menue? > Boot Disk:..... Debian on CD-ROM, Woody, version 3.0r3 Good Quality burning from a Distributor? Debian v3Rev2 has 7 CD's for i386 > ADDITIONAL BACKGROUND > Hard drive new, no previous OS installed, formatted using fdisk under > "live" Linux distro Mepis. > Disk partition: hda1 2GB boot; hda2 10GB linux; hda3 2GB swap. May be that's the point: You are preparing your hard disk for Debian with the Mepis Distribution. And you have not a new, empty hard disk. I'm not an expert, but try to erase your hard Disk completely, including master boot record (MBR). Afterwards work only with the debian CD's. -- Südwest-Sternchen Kalle ¤¤¤ StarOffice 5.2 ¤¤¤ powered by »NT«