On Thu, Dec 02, 2004 at 06:11:40PM +0200, Anton Zinoviev wrote:
> Hi!

> > And that the point: because I continued to install the system, it
> > worked, but when I rebooted, the kernel did not autodetect these raid
> > arrays, only md0 (/dev/hd[ac]2). Quite annoying.
> Do you have some idea why the raid arrays were not autodetected?

No. :-(
I don't know either how autodetection work.

> This is because cfdisk can not work with partition tables where the
> order of the logical partitions on the disk does not follow the order of
> their numbers.  This was exactly what partman created here because hda7
> was on the disk before hda5 and hda6.
> Why partman/parted numbers partitions in this way is another story.  In
> general this is because parted tries not to change the partition numbers
> if possible.  When you removed you partitions there was no choice but
> latter when you created hda7 there was no need to renumber hda5 and hda6
> as cfdisk would do.

Thanks, that's a good explication.
Maybe some options to reorder numbers of partitions could be add to
partman ? It should be useful.

Julien Danjou
.''`.  Debian developer
: :' : http://julien.danjou.info
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