Package: debian-installer, debian-installer-manual
Severity: wishlist

On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 12:33:59PM +0000, Alex Owen wrote:

> In other words I would like to see dhcp moved before language
> chooser/keyboard questions. I understabnd the current argument that this
> cannot be done as d-i does not know what language to issue error messages
> in. That is why I propose a silent dhcp/preseed attempt before language
> chooser etc and then a verbose dhcp/preseed attempt later when d-i knows
> what language to issue error messages in!
> Just my thoughts!
It triggered my to file a bugreport for an old wish.

All the wanted stuff can be a special initrd.
All the code is allready in the debian-installer.

What is missing it build code, a tweaked makefile,
that makes the special initial RAM disk.

> Alex Owen

Geert Stappers

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