Anton Zinoviev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :

> Yes, the installer creates the extended partition as small as possible.
> This is not a problem because the extended partition can always be
> resized provided it doesn't cover some primary partition.
> Most partitioning programs can resize the extended partition.  For
> example cfdisk does this for you whithout your knowledge.  Parted also
> can resize the extended partition.

I must disagree here. No tool that I tried could extend the partition.
It is not the job of the user to go around and hunt for a tool that happens
to work. Especially if he used for 15 years partitions that did not require
such an exercise.
For the record, I tried fdisk ( util-linux ) and Disk Manegement under Windows 
Maybe some other tool too, I don't remember.

So what are the advantegs of this, let's say "unusual", partitioning ?
Because this is the first time I see such a thing.

Thanks for your time,

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