On Sun, Nov 07, 2004 at 11:25:02PM +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
> On Saturday 06 November 2004 11:49, Frans Pop wrote:
> > In the meantime I'll add a comment in the manual about this.
> Done.
> --- nobootloader.xml    (revision 23648)
> +++ nobootloader.xml    (working copy)
> @@ -13,5 +13,16 @@
>  Macintosh, Atari, and Amiga systems, where the original operating system
>  must be maintained on the box and used to boot GNU/Linux.</phrase>
> +</para><para>
> +
> +If you plan to manually configure your bootloader, you should check the
> +name of the installed kernel in <filename>/target/boot</filename>.

Well, nobootloader should tell you the name of the kernel, as well as the
partition it resides in. So i would rewrite it. I would just tell to look for
an initrd.img-<version> in /target/boot, but well.

> +You should also check that directory for the presence of an
> +<firstterm>initrd</firstterm>; if one is present, you will probably have
> +to instruct your bootloader to use it. Other information you will need
> +are the disk and partition you selected for your <filename>/</filename>
> +filesystem and, if you chose to install <filename>/boot</filename> on a
> +separate partition, also your <filename>/boot</filename> filesystem.
> +
>  </para>
>     </sect3>

The rest seems ok though.


Sven Luther

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