Package: lilo-installer

----- Forwarded message from Ottavio Campana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: Ottavio Campana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2004 22:08:33 +0200
Subject: Re: maybe I found two bugs
Organization: Lega per la soppressione del Visual Basic
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040926)

Ottavio Campana wrote:
 > After removing the raid controller and attaching the disks to the
>motherboard I could install the whole system but I had a problem while 
>trying to install the bootloader. It seems that the installer isn't able 
>to install lio on xfs when xfs is on a md device. I had to boot a noppix 
>and install it myself. Being an xfs fan, I know that some time ago there 
>were problems with lilo, xfs and raid, but now it is fully sopported by 
>xfs. I'm giving a llok around to the sources to see if it really is a 
>bug. Is there anyone working on it? I could help fixing this.

I add one thing about this: I'm giving a look at
debian-installer/packages/arch/i386/lilo-installer/debian/postinst and 
if I've understood correctly, it is the postinst script that sets up lilo.

Well, I think it cannot work as it is with xfs on a md device. When you 
install lilo on an md device with xfs you have to pass this option to 


Suppose yo've got a root device /dev/md0 and a boot device /dev/md1 . 
lilo.conf has to be written this way:


In this way lilo will be installed on all the mbr of the devices that 
compose /dev/md1. If you don't pass raid-extra-boot the installation 
with xfs will fail (you can give a look at lilo's doc for the 
description of the problem).

I can try and provide a patch for it, but I'd need help to check if it 
is correct and to try it (I don't know how to build the installer form 
the sources making an iso to burn).

Please contact me and I'll help you. :-)

Non c'è più forza nella normalità, c'è solo monotonia.

----- End forwarded message -----
see shy jo

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