Package: installation-reports Debian-installer-version: RC1 2004/08/01 uname -a: Date: 17/10/2004 Method: Net Installation, using diskettes (floppy). No proxy
Machine: Old clone PC Processor: Pentium 166 MMX Memory: 64 Mb Root Device: IDE Root Size/partition table: 12.8 GB Output of lspci and lspci -n: Base System Installation Checklist: [E] = Error (please elaborate below) Initial boot worked: [YES] Configure network HW: [YES] Config network: [YES] Detect CD: [NO well, but is my fault. CD reader is not OK] Load installer modules: [YES] Detect hard drives: [YES] Partition hard drives: [NO, PROBLEMS SEE BELOW] Create file systems: [NO ] Mount partitions: [ ] Install base system: [ ] Install boot loader: [ ] Reboot: [ ] Comments/Problems: All gone well upto the partition task. It detected the former partition table and format. But then I detected some problems. 1) It couldn't mount the ext3 primary partition mounted at /. So installation didn't work. In a further try I could install on ext2 but NOT in ext3 format. It seems something weird in mounting ext3 partitions 2) Doing manual set for partitions, it cannot be set EXT3 partition (there are not such posibitity in the menu). Guillermo -- Guillermo Ballester Valor (gbv) Ogijares, Granada SPAIN Linux user #117181. See Public GPG KEY