Don Wright wrote:
> Debian-installer-version: Daily netinst from 20040913
>       Debian GNU/Linux testing "Sarge" - Official Snapshot i386 Binary-1
>       (20040913) -- downloaded as sarge-i386-netinst.iso from

That's a rather old image unfortunatly. I'm sorta suprised it worked, I
thought software raid was broken recently until the 17th.

> Two 13 Gig drives were set up with matching swap and 10 Gig RAID
> partitions. The remaining space was given to FAT32. The two RAID physical
> volumes were joined into a single RAID 1 partition. I used the all-in-one
> layout since LVM on RAID isn't offered with this build. I tested with XFS,
> EXT3, and JFS filesystems for the /dev/md0 RAID partition. Both EXT3 and
> JFS installed succcessfully (completing the installer, adding packages
> with aptitude, and completing test reboots)

That's fairly good news for root on raid actually. Did you have to do
anything special with the bootloader or anything to get it to work?

I've done some testing with raid, but I have only one disk so I use raid
0 in degraded mode. Anyway, it seems to work for me too, so I'm thinking
about removing the warning about root on raid.

> but XFS failed with an odd
> error during base install.
> Message on Console 1:
> ------------- [!!] Install the base system ---------------------------
> |             Unable to install initrd-tools                         |
> | An error was returned while trying to install the initrd-tools     |
> | package into the target system.                                    |
> |                                                                    |
> | Check /var/log/messages or see virtual console 3 for the details.  |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message on Console 3:
> tar: ./postinst: Cannot open: Unknown error 990
> (The rest of the messages appeared to be reporting this error back up the
> stack. The error is repeatable - logs available on request.)

Do you have the whole log available so we can see what package it was
unpacking? I cannot reproduce this, my installs with xfs on raid worked
ok, although lilo failed to install (and grub doesn't work with root on

see shy jo

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