Quoting Dennis Stampfer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 09:57:10PM +0300, Ognyan Kulev wrote:
> > In r21937, I committed improved Bulgarian translation that spans many 
> > strings.  Now I've just checked out package/po/bg.po and all translation 
> > strings are empty!  What's going on?
> Somehow, bubulle's script cleared the file (r21938), and the next run
> updated it with the .pot correctly: blank file means "no translation",
> so all strings are untranslated.
> But: your commited file has a error:
>       bg.po:2939: missing `msgstr' section
>       msgfmt: found 1 fatal error
> maybe that is why bubulle's scripts cleared the file.
> I corrected it. You have now one untranslated message.

Well, some more careful error handling should probably go in

I would appreciate if someone with (sorry to say this again...) more
skills than me rewrites some parts of the script in order to have a
better error handling.

l10n-sync is in scripts/l10n

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