> > Marco has pretty much summed it up. I fail to see though why the modem asking
> > the host to consider the modem the default gateway is a bug. The routing
> Because the modem is not a gateway and will not work as such?


> If the speedtouch DHCP server really provides a default route when it's
> configured for PPTP tunnels (something which I doubt and I think should
> be verified)

It is a gateway and does work as such. Did I not write in my last e-mail
that *without* starting pppoe one can reach the provider's WAN via the
default route going via the speedtouch?

As for the verification, doesn't the routing table I reported in the 1st
mail in the thread suffice? I'll be happy to do any additional
verifications if you want.

> *maybe* pppoeconf could check if the local address is
> and is the modem:
> if ping ... && \
>       wget --quiet --output-document=- \
>       | grep -q '^<HEAD><TITLE>ADSL Index'; then
>    echo yes
> fi
> Then it would have to check if the PPTP server is enabled.

Unfortunately, .138 is the firmware default of my modem, but a lot of
folks reconfigure the address; I can also imagine other models using
addresses other than .138. As pppoeconf already discovers the modem
by its own means, so I don't think the hardwiring saves a lot of coding.

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