
[install methods "NFS" or "from local drive"]

I doubt we're going to have time to support either of these install
methods for the sarge release. Although somone is welcome to prove me

I'll gladly spend a pizza on this :-)

I think the best way to install in your situation is to boot from floppy
or network, and let the installer download everything over the network
from a Debian mirror.

That is what I finally did. Fortunately, I have access to a LAN (but I bet there are other laptop users out there who have not... maybe they join in with spending pizzas...)

I'm mildly interested in supporting installs _to_ nfs, but will not be
working on it until after sarge is released. I don't really see any
benefit in using nfs to download files; a web server is not hard to set

Well... many (?) people have NFS, but no need for a private webserver...

- The "region selection" option in the main menu is only available if "install drivers from floppy" has been selected and a driver floppy (either cdrom or net) has been loaded; this seems a bit strange.

Yes, a known problem, but not a big enough deal to have been fixed.
Mainly because so few people can do an install without the network
drivers floppy.

Anyway, what is the purpose of this option? Does this only affect the installer, or does it influence the installed files? Since the time zone configuration menu is still in place, I could not quite figure this out, and the installation itself seems to work well without region selection.

- ping is not available on the console when setting up the network; this makes it a little hard to figure out whether the network has been configured properly if downloading packages fails.

Use wget.

Would it be reasonable to alias "ping" as "wget --spider"? Just as a little help to point unexperienced people like me in the right direction...

- In the screen prior to Harddisk partitioning there is one word too much ("..Linux won't know anything nothing about the modifications...")

I don't know what screen you mean, and I cannot find "Linux won't know
anything nothing" anywhere in our source tree. Can you tell me the
title of the message and its complete content?

Sorry; although I tried several times, I did not get to see this message again. Strange... If you search the source tree again, best search for "anything nothing" or "Linux won", not more (I hope there were no typos in this message that prevent you from finding it).
Unfortunately, I do not recall the full message; maybe it appeared due to the strange partitioning scheme I originally had on the harddisk.
If I see the message again, I will notify you immediately.

BTW, in my most recent installation, the first attempt to download the release file as well as the installer components from ftp.de.debian.org failed (as always) because of a timeout. The second attempt always works without problems. I really think this is not due to a network failure, but something that is wrong with the installer. If this is really the case, it would be nice to have a shorter download timeout.
Greetings & Best regards,


PS: with the installed system (kernel 2.4.27-686), I am having trouble getting DMA to work (hdparm says "HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted"). If you are interested, I will keep you informed on this.

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