Hello Christian,

On Tue, Aug 24, 2004 at 07:28:23AM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Quoting Andre Luis Lopes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Also, I can't log in to shell.alioth.debian.org using my
> > username/password anymore. Prior to the recent Alioth problems I was
> > able to log in to this machine just fine.
> > 
> > How should I contact about this issue ? I have some minor translations
> Try [EMAIL PROTECTED] and of course provide as much
> details as possible.

Ok, I'll do so when I get some time. Until then, I used Konstantino's
workaround and managed to commit what was pending.

> Konstantinos also has problem for login to alioth. I don't know if he
> solved them...
> > fixes to be checked into d-i SVN repository and this issue is preventing
> > me from doing so.
> In any case, send me the updates so that I can commit them. BTW, if
> you want me to switch pt_BR to the "master file" system, just tell me.

Thank you for your offer, but it's already commited. Regarding the
"master file" system, I need to read the docs before trying to use this
new system.

BTW, do you know if seppy's status pages are working for the current
translation statistics ? I saw some string changes done some days ago
but seppy's pages for my language is telling that my 1st stage
translations are only 6% done.

Is there a place where I could check the translation status for my
language ?

||  André Luís Lopes                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]                ||
||                                   http://people.debian.org/~andrelop ||
||  Debian-BR Project                http://www.debian-br.org           ||
||  Public GPG KeyID                 9D1B82F6                           ||

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