reassign 266226 languagechooser

> ========
> I think the solution would be to include code (probably in postinst for 
> countrychooser).

I'm already trying to hack this postinst for having it deal properly
with the Norwegian case (they want to keep no_NO as locale while the
built locale is nb_NO). This is 260873, which indeed pertains to

> This script should roughly check whether the previously generated locale 
> concerns an euro country, adds the @euro suffix and checks to see if the new 
> locale is supported. There would have to be some exceptions e.g. for 
> combinations that prefer UTF8 encoding.
> Another (maybe the best in the long run) solution could be remove suffixes 
> from the languagelist altogether and to have a table in countrychooser of 
> preferred locales for any xx_YY combinations where a suffix (or another 
> locale than can be automatically generated from the selected language and 
> country) is wanted.
> The relevant countrycodes for euro are: AT BE DE FI FR GR IR IT LU NL PT SP.

This bug report rejoins another BR we have (263317) for which Recai
provided a patch (I just discover it).

I have applied 263317 patch which should also make half of the work
for your suggestion. This patch looks into SUPPORTED locales whether
the combination with the modifier inherited from languagechooser is
valid. If it isn't, a locale without the modifier is chosen.

The other part is adding the @euro modifier for all languages which
have a Euro country as primary country.

Maintaining a table in countrychooser for the special @euro case is
not really satisfactory for me. I'd prefer adding a medium priority
question about modifiers when there are different modifiers
possibilities for a given locale:

-at the end of countrychooser we have xx_YY as LOCALE
-we grep SUPPORTED for all supported locales with this
-if there are two or more of these, we prompt (medium prio) about the
one to choose, defaulting to the one with the modifier

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