I hate to think about it so soon, but the release managers' timeline has a slot for us to release rc2 at the end of this month. Since it can take up to two weeks to prepare and build a release, we need to start thinking about this soon. We've had enough feedback on rc1 to know at least some of the major problems with it.
Here are some of the issues I'm tracking for rc2. Strange how many of these are not really d-i problems. Anyway, if you have more, add them to the top of the TODO. Things we really should fix before rc2: - base-config's broken hwclock display #264314 (fixed in unstable, fix not yet in testing) - base-config's broken translations mess up mirror selection (fixed in 2.42, fix not yet in testing) - tasksel/aptitude problem that prevents installation of standard packages (fixed in aptitude in t-p-u) - aptitude bug that prevents tasks from working in some locales (#264716) (apparently fixed in aptitude in t-p-u) - netcfg issues with bad MTU data from dhcp server (fixed in svn) - fix sparc CDs, old mkisofs generates invalid images - partman confuses identically sized partitions (#241785, grave) - new hotplug is needed in testing to fix watchdog and framebuffer module load issues (0.0.20040329-14 fixes it) Things that would be nice for rc2, but can't block it: - partman-efi, for reasonable setup of EFI partition on ia64 (uploaded, needs testing, and propigation to testing) - gdm locale problems on reboot - gnome-session needs update in testing, so users log into gnome, and not kde, from gdm (2.6.2-5 fixes it) - partman misdetects some partitions as type loop (#249371, grave) -- see shy jo
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