Timo Jyrinki wrote:
> I wanted to try sarge by swapping out my main hard drive and putting in 
> a spare 10GB drive just to see how it's like. Installation was easy 
> (despite my need for manually configure network settings) and base
> installation went fine, but...
> Rebooting didn't finish. The kernel booted, but after a while I just got 
> my monitor shut off, and trying to switch between consoles didn't help. 
>  ctrl-alt-del initiated reboot sequence so I didn't need to do a cold 
> boot, but that was it. The same results were had in the "recovery"-mode. 
> I guess the installation of other packages (besides the base system) 
> should have started (?), but I have no idea what happened after the 
> screen went blank.
> I have a Radeon 9600XT graphics adapter, which might be the cause of 
> incompabilities, ie. framebuffer driver crashing the display or 
> XFree86's radeon-driver doing the same. Though does Debian use fb and 
> does the XFree86 even start at that time (first boot after base install)?
> The last messages I see when booting are:
> 1) various USB messages (over one full screen of them)
> 2) just before monitor shutting itself, something about
> "xxxx
>  net
>  pci" or something like that... hotplug things? Those are shown only 
> for a fraction of a second, after the USB messages, before the monitor 
> goes off.

It seems that most of the failures people are getting installing rc1 are
because hotplug loads unsafe kernel modules, including hardware
watchdogs, and frame buffer modules that don't work right. It doesn't
help that as you noticed hotplug brings in all these unnecessary modules
even in single user mode.

Your problem sounds like hotplug loading a bad frame buffer module. Try
booting in emergency mode ("linux emergency"), remount the root
filesystem read-write ("mount -o remount,rw /"), remove
/etc/rcS.d/S40hotplug, then you should be able to boot without this
problem. If you can send us your lspci and lspci -n output, we can
probably determine which module hotplug is loading to cause your
problem, and fix it.

see shy jo

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