Package: installation-reports Debian-installer-version: 20040729 sarge-i386-netinst.iso uname -a: not able to run Date: 20040729 late evening CDT (US) Method: downloaded iso, burned to CDROM, booted CDROM
Machine: MB- Gigabyte GA-8KNXP Rev.2 Processor: Intel P4 2.8c (not overclocked) Memory: 1 GB DDR 400 ECC (2 x 512) Root Device: SATA HD Root Size/partition table: (approx. sizes) /boot size 5gb / size 120gb swap size 0.5gb (plus two other FAT partitions on this 160gb hd) Output of lspci: not able to run Base System Installation Checklist: Initial boot worked: [O] Configure network HW: [O] Config network: [O] Detect CD: [O] Load installer modules: [O] Detect hard drives: [O] Partition hard drives: [O] Create file systems: [O] Mount partitions: [O] Install base system: [O] Install boot loader: [O] Reboot: [E] [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it Comments/Problems: At reboot, all appeared OK, started answering questions and giving passwords, then system suddenly rebooted by itself. After full reboot (by itself) it went into the questions again, I got a little further (some choices already there and OK, and I got faster ;-), then again rebooted. This continued for several times until I managed to get it to the point where it started downloading (ftp) the package list (?), and it gets to about 25% of the download completed, then reboots. This is totally repeatable and consistent. This same computer/motherboard has a previous install (installer TC1) on it, but on an IDE HD put into this system (installed by a previous MB), which has been running for weeks rock solid -- it also runs rock solid in this compter/mb combination. This current computer/mb also runs Win2K on a partition on the same SATA hd without problems. It will also do the automatic reboot if I just let this new install sit at the "welcome" screen. I have timed it and find it takes 52 seconds each time from the appearance of this welcome screen until it reboots. This was done several times with exact consistency. (Some sort of timer involved?) Otherwise, installer did a good job up to this point. The previous TC1 version of the installer ended with error in install of base system each time I tried it, hence used the latest cvs to try. The previous TC1 version worked OK on the previous motherboard (which gave me the transplanted hd installation). Regards, Don -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]