reassign 257794 os-prober
retitle 257794 Does not detect a Fedora installation

> Problems:
> - Debian is listed twice: with/without kernel version
> - Suse is listed twice
> - Fedora not found

As joeyh mentioned, more information will help.

Anyway, I reassign this bug to the os detection package as this is the
only problem which is directly related in d-i

> 2. I am not sure if the installer tries to detect the video card and
> suggests the correct driver. I assumed that was the case and I chose the
> highlited driver (vesa). That was not the right one so I had to
> reconfigure the X server and change the driver to 'mga' (I have Matrox MGA
> 2164W). To me it was not a problem but for an inexperienced user figuring
> out which driver to use could be quite an issue.

Such problems, if they are, pertain to the xfree86 packages

> * Personally, I don't like the fact that packages installation is
> interrupted by certain packages configuration questions. It means that you

They are minimized as much as possiblebut this is a general Debian
design. I suggest you try "linux DEBCONF_PRIORITY=critical" which will
make the number of questions, especially after the d-i 2nd stage very

However, for the "real" installer phase, this option has not been
tested thoroughly

> * It is very hard, reading just the information on, to figure
> out how to install Debian unstable (without upgrading). The
> page mentions just
> installing Sarge and until I started the installation I hadn't known that
> the installer allows you to select the version from stable to unstable.
> Also, at there is
> information about sid_d-i and sarge_d-i images but no link where they can
> be found. It would be nice to put a link to

sid_d-i is not for installing unstable despite its name..:-)It's just
an installer image made with installer packages from unstable. But it
still installs testing by default.

You can choose which flavour to install by using "linux

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