Package: Install
Version: 20040430 (for i386 architecture)

Particulars for package: for floppy disk sources

This problem relates to a problem hinted at (but worked around) in bug
report #254054, whereby Leo could not install using 'standard' images,
so used monolithic images instead.

I ran the install process in 'expert' mode to detect the problem (it
must flash past the screen very fast (certainly something flashes up
quickly), just before going to the partitioning bit. 'Detect hardware'
gives an "Unable to load some modules" error, reporting that ide-mode,
ide-probe-mod, ide-detect, ide-generic, ide-floppy, ide-disk, ide-cd,
isofs modules are unavailable.  I tried to look for them in the drivers
floppy image, but to no avail.  I did notice that the system tries to
load these drivers when detecting network hardware (and suggests what
drivers it needs to load).  This, by the way, seems to be a strange
place to detect and try to install them.  Installation at this point
resulted in the ide drivers being skipped (I noticed the message about
these being skipped passing by very quickly).

For what it is worth, I am loading the installer components via ftp from
the mirror.  I attempted to rerun the network hardware
detection process again after loading the installer components, but it
no longer offered the selection menu to select the ide drivers, erroring
that it could not find them instead.

In the end, I installed the CD-ROM drivers from the cd-drivers.img,
crashing through the error messages at the end (still complaining about
missing ide drivers, in addition to the main error message about the
CD-ROM not being the Debian CD - not intended to be as I am doing most
of my install over the network.  This got me to the point where I could
configure the hard disk.

May I suggest the standard installer process be corrected to facilitate
the loading of the IDE drivers, even if it explicitly asked for the
CD-ROM drivers floppy disk (or pulled it from the net).  This would save
those debian installer people less savy than I some serious heartache.

Ross Summerfield
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
phone : work  : +61-2-62198644
        home  : +61-2-62922514
        mobile: +61-439799146

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