Today is a good day, both the sid_d-i and the sarge_d-i CDs are usable
(on i386) today. The sarge images have dozens of updated udebs, though
there are still many a newer versions in sid. The string freeze is also
going well.

We need to focus on two things right now. First, we need to make sure
that the sarge images work, and keep working. At least on i386, this
means testing many installation methods and code paths. I'm using the
following form to keep track of it all for my testing, this reflects the
testing I have done so far on today's images:

[22 may images]
        basic netinst cd                pass
        basic businesscard cd           pass
        USB key                         
        floppy + cd                     pass
        floppy + network                pass
        using pcmcia network card               
        lvm install                             
        software raid                   fail, #250427
        32 mb ram                       pass
        48 mb ram                       pass
        2.6 netinst cd                  fail (hw-detect, fixed tomorrow)
        2.6 businesscard cd                     
        2.6 pcmcia network card                 
        2.6 lvm                                 
        2.6 software raid                       
        2.6 usb key                             

I'd like to expand this checklist to include all arches, and use it to
check the final rc1 release. What install methods should be tested on
other arches? If you're doing testing of the sarge_d-i images and don't
have the time or reason for a full installation report, at least post
something like the above.

The second thing we need to work on is testing changes to udebs in
unstable, so they can be copied to testing if they work. In particular,
some of the things that seem important, but that I do not know if
they're fully usable and safe include:

new partman
        I've done limited testing of it with today's sid_d-i images,
        which are the first on which it's usable, and it's reported ok
        on m68k and mips. We need to make sure there are no problems on
        other arches.
base-installer 0.081
        Potentially breaks and/or fixes m68k and powerpc. Should not
        impact other arches, if I get successful reports on those, I
        will let it in.
busybox-cvs 20040507-3
        Already in testing for i386, other arches need success reports.
        If it fixes any problems on other arches, I am willing to copy
        it in on a per-arch basis.
countrychooser 0.018
        This is very close to going in, but I would like some evidence
        that it's safe.
languagechooser 1.22
pcmcia-cs 3.2.5-4
        Fixes important bug, but needs success reports. I can't test
        Lots of changes, need success reports.

This is all tracked using the page

see shy jo

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