On Sun, 16 May 2004, Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> >   That was the first bug with partitioning. Solution would be to call
> > the second stage installer always with /bin/sh, not trying to execute it
> > directly.
> Thanks for spotting this.  base-config (or whatever it is that is
> executing stuff in /tmp) should either not do that, or partman should
> not offer the noexec flag for /tmp if that's not possible.
> Mika, after rebooting, did you not get anything at all (i.e was the
> first program started from /tmp) or did that happen later?

  It was the first program started after basic boot, as far as I
understand. The name of the script was something along the lines of
"./base-dep" and the boot sequence never got further than that.

  I'm really sorry I didn't grab a photo of the situation. The error
message (apart from saying 'permission denied') finally came from init.
"INIT respawnign too fast. Sleeping for 5 minutes." or something very
close to that.

> >   Trying to do a reinstall: I was happy with the partition layout and
> > wouldn't have wanted to set it again; only wanted to remove the noexec
> > flag from /tmp. This proved to be impossible. The partitioning menu,
> > when faced with existing layout and filesystems, only displays three
> > selections. Editing the partition and its options is not one of them. (I
> Hmm, I don't understand.  When you enter the partitioning tool, it
> should offer "manual partitioning".  If you choose that, then you
> should see your existing partitions, and be able to assign mount
> points.  Did that not work?  Or do you mean something else?

  When going through the installer again, I eventually hit the partition
selections. -> Manual partition -> I can see the existing partition
setup with mountpoints, sizes and filesystems. -> Select any of the
partitions for editing and I get only a menu of three choices: "go
back", "delete partition" and some third. There were no selections for
changing mountpoint, choosing filesystem or editing mount options.

  Again, I should have taken time to grab a photo of that as well.

> >   There is one final issue with second stage of install. Setting up the
> > packages winds up in an error. Hitting enter on "Install selected
> Do you know which package generates an error?

  Sorry to say, but no. I've been going through the debian-install
package log. There are warnings about pre-dependencies, but that is only
expected and the warnings are ignored.

  There is only one instance where return code might be an issue:
Setting up base-config (2.20) ...

umount: /target/dev/pts: Invalid argument

  debconf-i18n and util-linux have dependency problems but are
nonetheless configured. The missing packages at the time are
libtext-iconv-perl for debconf and zlib1g for util-linux.

  Ha, I found it. In base-config.log, there is finally the reason.
Apparently there is something funny with either my network or the
connection to local mirror. In this case, it was an error from apt-get:
it was trying to get the packages and was greeted with an error
condition; "Error reading from server - read (104 Connection reset by
peer)". The package happened to be indent on this install.

  Why this happened today with both installs, and each time for one
package only, I can not even guess.

Mika Boström     \ /  "World peace will be achieved
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     X    when the last man has killed
Security freak   / \   the second-to-last." -anon?

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