Alex wrote:
> Initial boot worked:    [O]
> Configure network HW:   [ ]
> Config network:         [ ]
> Detect CD:              [O]
> Load installer modules: [E]
> Detect hard drives:     [ ]
> Partition hard drives:  [ ]
> Create file systems:    [ ]
> Mount partitions:       [ ]
> Install base system:    [ ]
> Install boot loader:    [ ]
> Reboot:                 [ ]
> [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't
> try it
> Comments/Problems:
> In the "detecting hardware" menu, the installation freeze
> above the end of the progress bar, it was printed under
> of the progress bar:
> "skipping unavailable module 'ide-floppy' for 'Linux IDE
> floppy'"
> Indeed i don't have floppy disk on my notebook but the
> installer 
> didn't skip it but freezed on it.

This could really be a problem with pcmcia. Try starting the installer
by typing this at the boot prompt:

linux hw-detect/start_pcmcia=false

see shy jo

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