Package: installation-reports Debian-installer-version: Mar 9 08:26 / uname -a: no can do. wont boot Date: March 9 04 - 11:22 PM EST. Method: tftpdboot
Machine: SGI Indy R5000 Processor: Mips(65mhz) Memory: 64 Megs Root Device: SCSI Root Size/partition table: <Feel free to paste the full partition table, with notes on which partitions are mounted where.> Output of lspci: Base System Installation Checklist: Initial boot worked: [E] Configure network HW: [ ] Config network: [ ] Detect CD: [ ] Load installer modules: [ ] Detect hard drives: [ ] Partition hard drives: [ ] Create file systems: [ ] Mount partitions: [ ] Install base system: [ ] Install boot loader: [ ] Reboot: [ ] [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it Comments/Problems: boot fails with the following: warning: unable to open an initial console. kernel panic: attempted to kill init!