Package: installation-reports Debian-installer-version: April 1, 2004 netinst sarge business card uname -a: none Date: April 1, 2004, 15:00 EST Method: used sarge business card, mirror
Machine: VMware on a Dell Optiplex Processor: Pentium 4 Memory: 512MB Root Device: IDE Root Size/partition table: see below Output of lspci: none Base System Installation Checklist: Initial boot worked: [O] Configure network HW: [O] Config network: [O] Detect CD: [O] Load installer modules: [O] Detect hard drives: [O] Partition hard drives: [E] Create file systems: [ ] Mount partitions: [ ] Install base system: [ ] Install boot loader: [ ] Reboot: [ ] [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it Comments/Problems: I set up the VMware virtual disk to map through to the physical disk, which already had FAT16, FAT32LBA, and Plan 9 partitions on it. There was an empty section at the end that was intended for Linux. The gui partitioner insisted that there was only a single FAT16 partition taking up the whole disk, making it very hard for me to create a Linux partition in the empty space. I switched to a console and fdisk on /dev/discs/ide0/bus0/master0/otherstuff0/part0 (I forget the exact path) had no problem creating the partition, but even then the gui didn't notice it and wouldn't let me past that step. So I gave up and am now installing using the oldWoody netinst. The partitioner in that netinst had no problems with my partitions. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]