Quoting Joshua Kwan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> On Fri, 26 Mar 2004 13:35:54 +0100, Christian Perrier wrote:
> > Today, I did a complete i386 base system installation under VmWare,
> > using Debian Installer beta3. This means that, when arrived at tasksel
> > screen, I didn't choose any task and just finished the installation.
> This is not a base system installation then, because if you exit tasksel
> without doing anything you will get all packages that are priority:
> standard installed automatically.
OK, my mistake, then. 

Let's say this is the minimal installation a user can do when
answering the default to all question (s)he's asked during an
installation, then....

No idea, indeed, of the method for having a complete default
system. Maybe by cancelling at the package installation method screen�?

This raises an old debate about gcc and all other development-related
packages being installed on "standard" installation, anyway..:-)

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