Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> Debian-installer-version: daily sid build from 10-March-2004
> Config network:         [ ] Didn't ask me to configure it even two I have 2 net cards

This is a known bug with that build, it should be fixed in today's build.
(Or maybe tomorrow's, there were initrd changes.)

> OK, first I wanted to partition the hard drive.  I chose "Automatically
> partition a drive", "use entire", "separate partition for $HOME".  Then I
> get a menu which says:
>  - finish partition and write changes
>  - automatically partition
>  - undo changes
>  - configure lvm
> Well, I just did "automatically partition" so I don't think this menu
> option should be there again.

It's useful if you don't like the scheme you chose, or if you didn't
choose to autopartition, or if you edit something and mess it up, etc.

> Also, the automatic partitioner did not
> create a physical volume (PG) for LVM, so the "configure LVM" menu option
> should not be there either.

I agree that lvmcfg should be better integrated. I think that when you
set up a lvm volume, it should include configuring how the volume is
used (the bits from lvmcfg) right there in the partition setup screen.
And then the logical volumes should be added the same way you'd add a
partition to a disk, from the main partman screen. Of course thiw will
mean ripping lvmconfig to bits.

> Okay, I'm totally confused by now.  I cannot do LVM, undoing my partitions
> doesn't undo anything, and I have no idea how to edit my partition.  So I
> go to the main menu and choose "Partition disks".  Unfortunately, this
> does not start from scratch and ask me if I want to do the automatic stuff
> or Be A Man and do it myself... it simply shows me my existing partition.
> Arg!

Automatic partitioning is only prompted for at high priority. This is
one of the reasons there is a menu entry for it too.

> So I decide to wipe the whole thing with cfdisk and start all over.  Here I
> find those menu entries:
>     Partition disks
>     Partition a hard drive
> Very confusing names, imho.  I figured out the former is partman and the
> latter cfdisk, but this is not clear to people not familiar with d-i.

I agree. Unfortunatly, the default partitioner currently varies by
architecture, so we cannot call one "Partiton disks (old partitioner)".
I am relucatant to pull in terminology the user won't understand, such
as "Partition disks (partman)". Suggestions?

> Okay, I wipe the disk with cfdisk, and select "Partition disks" again, this
> time doing everything myself.  I create a root partition, but decide to say
> "do not use".  I create /home, etc... okay, obviously not having a root
> sucks, so I go back and say "format", "use XFS" (yeah, I felt
> experimental).  When I want to format the partitions, it complains about
> XFS being on the root partition, and drops me back.  I choose ext3.  Well,
> anyway, I have no idea how I did it, but it simpl forgot that I wanted to
> format this partition.  It said "do not use" again, even thought I told
> it before to format it.  I saw this several times, so this is not just me.
> It complained about "No root file system is defined".

I've seen partman forget the selected mount points for partitons before
too. Without returning to the main menu, I think.

> Another thing: when I was so smart not to format my root partition (i.e.
> "do not use") the menu showed "ext3" anyway.

It's showing the current content of the partition, I think.

> Okay, after doing all of this, and wanting to continue, I get this "No root
> file system is defined!" error again.  Again it forgot about my root, which
> I had defined.  Okay, let's define it again, format it and the LVM... and
> then d-i wants to install GRUB.  Obviously it remembers I installed the
> base system before; but I just formated my root, so the base is gone.

I know about this problem, but I've not had any luck coming up with a
clean fix for it.

> Setting up a user account still does not ask for the real name. (Bug filed
> a while ago)

See madison passwd. -21 is not in testing yet.

Here for what it's worth is a working method to get LVM:

a) do not autpartion
b) delete all existing partitioons
c) create a root partition, but don't bother to specify the type
d) create a partitoion for lvm, mark it as suck
d) go through the lvm config, set up the PG and VG
e) create partitions in new lvm volume, set them up
f) configure root partitin
g) finish

I've done this twice, it's clunky, but it works.

> After reboot, my LVM file systems are again not found.  pvscan simply
> doesn't find anything ("no valid physical volumes found"); /dev/sda3 is of
> type 83 (Linux LVM), though.   Ohhhhh, probably because lvm10 is installed
> instead of lvm2!  Doh!

I did not see this problem. AFAIK all this is lvm10. My lvm volumes

see shy jo

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