Package: installation-reports


Debian-installer-version: 06-Mar-2004, from
uname -a: I'm on different install now
Date: 10-Mar-2004
Method: from floppy then network on a previously prepeared ext3 filesystem
from, no proxy.

Machine: PC self made from trash parts
Processor: Pentium 120
Memory: 32M RAM
Root Device: IDE, hda1
Root Size/partition table: all on hda1, about 1700M
Output of lspci: I'm on different install now
This is intel/Zappa motherboard with chpiset 430FX, network card 3Com Etherexpress II TP (8 bit ISA).

Base System Installation Checklist:

Initial boot worked:    [O]
Configure network HW:   [O]
Config network:         [O]
Detect CD:              [ ]
Load installer modules: [E]
Detect hard drives:     [E]
Partition hard drives:  [ ]
Create file systems:    [ ]
Mount partitions:       [O]
Install base system:    [E]
Install boot loader:    [O]
Reboot:                 [O]
First kernel start      [E]
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it


expert mode

Too small memory (32M).
As before I coped by removing all network modules after autodetection,
then removing all ide/pci modules, with the exception of piix.o,
before ide hardware detection.
Then a swap file and it run OK, kernel upload also OK (2.4.25).
GRUB OK, but after the rebott the machine reboots after it prints something about initrd (~5 lines of messages, total).
Will try with a rescue floppy now.

So it seems, the installed does not work on 32M,
but with additional superexpert mode,
where you choose which debian-installer components to skip
and which modules to choose (no autoprobing), 32M shoudl be enough.
On the other hand 24M seems impossible.



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