Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: <27.02.2004 netinst.iso>
uname -a: <Linux XY 2.4.33-1-386 #9 Sat Oct 4 14:30:39 EST 2003 i686 unknown>
Date: <27.02.2004 12:03 (GMT+1)>
Method: <sarge-i386-networkinstall 100MB CD image>
Machine: <XPc s41, Athlon XP 2200+, 256+512Ram>
Processor:Athlon XP 2200+
Memory:256+512MB DDR pc2100
Root Device: <IDE Samsung 160GB 5400RPM>
Root Size/partition table: <first run, didnt manage to partition from the with the netinstall CD, used Knoppix life cd to write the partition table, the HD was brand new, no previouse partitiontable was on it, after writing it with Knoppix it worked>
Output of lspci: didnt manage to intall all the way...
Base System Installation Checklist:
Initial boot worked: [ 0]
Configure network HW: [ 0]
Config network: [ 0]
Detect CD: [ 0]
Load installer modules: [ 0]
Detect hard drives: [ 0]
Partition hard drives: [ E]
Create file systems: [ 0]
Mount partitions: [ 0]
Install base system: [ E]
Install boot loader: [ ]
Reboot: [ ]
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Partitioning didnt work with a brand new HD without previouse partition table,
did work after creating partitiontable with Knoppix

Install base system:
didnt work: base system installation error debootstrap exited with an error(return value 1), might find...debootstrab.log
debootstrap.log=ln:/target/usr/bin/awk:file exists

Failed to install the base system, check debootstrap.log, debootstrap.err.log: debootstrap.log=(check three lines above) debootstrap.err.log=empty

(i deleted awk, tryed again, didnt work,
debootstrap exited with an error (return value 127)
debootstrap.log after deleting awk= (many entries=Warning:Fake start- stop-deamon called, doing
last entry= Error were encountered while processing man-db
/usr/sbin/debootstrap: 1: sleep: not found

i checked the MD5sum after downloading, was ok
i ran the 'Check the CD-roms integrity, failed
downoloaded again, same thing with checksum iso ok, cd failed integrity,
installation process of the second CD went directly to the symptoms i described und 2)

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