I booted from the CD (Woody images downloaded and burned on CD) and went through the install steps. Couldn't get it to recognize my network card. OK, searched through Google (I have another functional computer on the home network) and found that I had to turn off the PnP OS. Alright, that requires a reboot, so I'll continue on and, since this is Linux, I can come back later and install the drivers. So, continue on following the installation guide step by step up to the smoke test. Take out CD, and reboot. Looks good (who gave the penguin the glass of beer?) up until I get the login prompt. Hey, the manual says that it should ask me to load some other modules and ask me what I wan the root password to be. ??? So here's the question... What is the default root password, so I can get in and continue installing some other packages? I've tried all the usual root/root root/password, etc. and tried a blank password. No go.
I like the installation package with this distribution, easy setup and better IMHO than the Red Hat that I did a while ago and I never got the Caldera to work at all (different computer though).
Some other info - I *did* reboot the system without shutting down first (well I couldn't log in could I?) and changed the PnP OS setting and successfully setup the NIC including connecting to my DHCP server. Reboot from the installer did the same thing again - I got my login prompt.
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