Yup - I can modprobe them just fine. cardmgr will not put them there
# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by    Not tainted
orinoco_cs              4628   0  (unused)
orinoco                35636   0  [orinoco_cs]
hermes                  5988   0  [orinoco_cs orinoco]
ds                      7060   1  [orinoco_cs]
yenta_socket           10848   1 
pcmcia_core            47168   0  [orinoco_cs ds yenta_socket]

After adding them manually, the card won't work, though.

David Nusinow said:
> What happens when you modprobe all of these modules? Are they all
> present?

John Lavin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.wayreth.net                  ,''`.
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 Dependence begets subservience and venality, suffocates the germ of   `. `'
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