
Marc Herbert writes:
 > On Sat, 31 Jan 2004, Christian Perrier wrote:
 > > Quoting Marc Herbert ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 > >
 > > > Generally speaking, I find the new design of the installer very nice:
 > > > I like the idea of being able to go back and forth between "clever"
 > > > and "manual" modes. But please, just ask confirmation (just provide
 > > > a "back" button) before doing anything "clever", at the very least in
 > > > the MBR case.
 > >
 > > Just saw your IRC exchanges with joeyh about this. Can you indicate which
 > > boot loader was involved?
 > As if I had time to choose one! The default one of course: GRUB.
 > By the way, it's kinda funny to provide two boot loaders when you just
 > can't choose.

I know, it won't make you feel better. There was some discussion about this
starting at 
where I have tried to voice the same concern. Kind of. There was no
conclusion in the mail exchange IIRC.

IMHO the MBR is a ``sacred site''. I strongly agree with your opinion not
to touch it unless explicitly permitted. I would like to see this fixed,
too. I wouldn't even know how to fix a broken windows MBR.


 > > (probably any of lilo and grub installers exhibit the same problem)
 > That's why I filed this bug "above", to debian-installer. I think it's
 > not safe for debian-installer to call whatever-MBR-spoiler without any
 > user interaction, and then cross fingers and trust that everything
 > will be fine below. Two warnings and user confirmations are obviously
 > safer than none.
 > I heard that one of the design goal of the new installer is be more
 > newbie-friendly. So far, so good. But IMHO, what is not
 > newbie-friendly is just asking complex technical questions that can be
 > solved automagically 95% of the time. I think that asking: "Final
 > step, I will change the way your machine is booting, are you sure you
 > want to do that ?" _is_ newbie-friendly, every user can understand
 > that, and everyone still has the chance to press the "back" button".
 > What is not newbie-friendly is just questions that stick you because
 > you do not know the answer (and where the installer can make a good
 > guess of course). Every newbie can choose between "yes" and "back".
 > Sometimes without even understanding the consequences, but then there
 > is no solution at all. You cannot say: "Let's not warn the user about
 > this dangerous action, since he may be afraid of it".
 > What is also funny is that the installer stops and ask confirmation
 > before rebooting. You know why? because at this time, there is the
 > great danger of... rebooting from the CD! A very frightening situation
 > indeed.
 > > By the way, you are certainly a bit angry about this, but as you say,
 > > come on.......I'm pretty sure you have skills enough for fixing the
 > > problem, so I don't see any need for being that negative.
 > - First I still not have figured out how to get my other systems
 >   working again, assuming I can, which I don't even know yet. (No: I
 >   don't have enough skills to write a windows MBR by hand with a disk
 >   editor).
 > - Then I did not of course tagged this bug "critical" just because it
 >   destroyed MY machine, but because it can destroy everyone's MBR.
 > > Remember that, no, Debian is not Windows, neither Redhat....this is a volunteer
 > > project....:-)
 > I have never and will never complain loud about free software that
 > does not deliver. But this is different: it actually delivers
 > something really nasty.
 > > If this is lilo, I think this BR may be merged with 229211.
 > I don't think so. The debian-installer should also pause and think for
 > a second instead of rushing like this and fully delegate to some
 > sub-module such a dangerous action. I am just suggesting here a
 > complex, cutting-edge technology: a confirmation box, "yes/back".
 > Again, I don't see the point in fixing bugs with LILO since you don't
 > even have the time to choose LILO.
 > --
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