Hi Szymon,

On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 03:58:47PM +0100, Szymon Juraszczyk wrote:

> Debian-installer-version:
> http://gluck.debian.org/cdimage/testing/netinst/alpha/20040114/sarge-alpha-businesscard.iso
> uname -a: N/A
> Date: 2004-01-15
> Method: burned CD, booted with 'boot dqb0'

> Machine: Compaq AlphaServer DS 10
> Processor: ??? 600 MHz (can check it later - e-mail me if it matters)

Given the "illegal instruction" failure, I think it will be important to
know what processor this machine has in it.  FWIW, the official
kernel-image packages boot without errors on my 21164-series alpha.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

> Memory: 512 MB
> Root Device: N/A
> Root Size/partition table:  N/A
> Output of lspci: N/A

> Base System Installation Checklist:
> Initial boot worked:    [ E ]
> Configure network HW:   [ ]
> Config network:         [ ]
> Detect CD:              [ ]
> Load installer modules: [ ]
> Detect hard drives:     [ ]
> Partition hard drives:  [ ]
> Create file systems:    [ ]
> Mount partitions:       [ ]
> Install base system:    [ ]
> Install boot loader:    [ ]
> Reboot:                 [ ]
> [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it
> Comments/Problems:
> Kernel panics while booting with 'Illegal instruction', just after 'Freeing
> unused kernel memory: 192k freed' and 'Setting up filesystem, please wait
> ...'

> The machine used to work as Sarge (untill the disk crashed...), though it
> was installed from official Woody installation disks and upgraded later on.

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