On Wed, 2004-01-14 at 07:45, Joerg Friedrich wrote:
> > this solved the problem. it seems that mklibs doesn't work right with
> > 32-bit and 64-bit libraries. does anyone have an idea?

> Btw: I can now build d-i on sparc, but how can I make a cdimage for
> testing? After building d-i I got a cdrom-image.img  and a cdrom-initrd.gz

You shouldn't need to do this - Sparc is generally expected to be in 32
bit mode when you're compiling.  Other packages in Debian don't do
anything to check for this.

I generally do a "sparc32 /bin/bash" do make sure everything is detected

Jeff Bailey

I never know what to expect when you respond to my postings. No insult
intended, you are merely a surprise :)
 - Carlos O'Donnell

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