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On 2004-01-08 07:09, you wrote:
> (Bart, a lot of nl tsl stuff in this report, if you didn't manage to
> see it...Alastair same for keyboard stuff : kbd-chooser and console-data)


> > wanted to have a look at the translations
> > default keyboard that is highlighted is Dutch, this should be be-latin1
> > if you choose Belgium as your country
> Yes, this should. However, we're in the process of changing all
> this. If my proposal is accepted, there will be only *one* language
> entry for dutch on the first screen, followed by a "countrychooser"
> screen.

> On this latter screen, the default will depend on the language you
> choose first. Probably Netherlands when Dutch is chosen (except if
> Belgium people make a lot of noise....I know they can). But Belgium
> will be listed anyway. You should even be able to choose any other
> country.

the Netherlands and Belgium share the same translation and thus the same 
defaults at the moment

> > * Bugs in the partconf nl translation
> > "paritities" should be "partities"
> Bart Cornelis will look at this, I guess.

fixed in cvs

> > * Configuring console-data screen is untranslated
> Incomplete console-data package debconf translation

http://people.debian.org/~barbier/intl/l10n/po-debconf/nl shows console-data 
is now complete, so this should be solved

> > * Time zone configuration screen uses 'systeemklok' and 'hardware klok'
> > when referring to the same thing. It should only use one term.
> > linux is spelled with a small l
> Bart, this is for you.

fixed in cvs 

> > I always get Yes/No Ok/Cancel options. I expected these to be
> > translated as well.
> In the second stage. This probably means that debconf dialog interface
> is not translated in dutch. Bart, you need to look at this. This is
> hidden in another package (do not remember which one currently....newt
> or something)

can anybody tell me where tese are hidden, cause I haven't got a clue

> > I choose 'Europa' and get Australian cities!
> > Had to select 'Indische oceaan' to get European cities
> Translation problem. Bart ?

heh, left out Asia in the translated choises list, fixed in cvs

> > * password for root dialog screen not translated
> > type password again is translated
> > "dag-dagelijks" should be "dagdagelijks"
> > user account screen is untranslated
> > several dialog titles are untranslated
> Probably the templates for the shadow package are outdated. Shadow's
> maintainer is a bit slow at integrating translations.

upgrading the shadow translation is on my todo list 

> > * it says "volgende stap installatiestap" somewhere. the "stap" in the
> > middle should be removed.
> Shadow package translation problem

base-config translation actually :P

> > somewhere one of the occurences of "mirror" is not translated in
> > "spiegelserver"
fixed in cvs 

> > * exim4-config
> > several typos:
> > "emaill" -> "e-mail"
> > "afgelevert" -> "afgeleverd"
> > "Allle" -> "Alle"
> > "e-mail" en "E-mail" are both used -> pick one and stick to it
> > exim4-config asks a lot of questions... If I choose local delivery, why
> > does it want a list of IP addresses to listen on?
> Bart : exim4-config translation needs update..:-)

on my todo list
- -- 
Cheers, cobaco
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