--- Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> James J. Ramsey wrote:
> The
> installer
> > seems to filter out some of the parameters that
> are
> > passed at the boot prompt, even though they are
> > standard-issue, documented kernel parameters. In
> > B?r?ny's case, the ignored parameter was
> vga=normal.
> > In my case, it was ide=nodma.
> I suspect that the problem is that kernel boot
> parameters are not passed
> to modules when they are loaded. 
ide=nodma is not a module parameter per se, AFAICT.
Judging from the release notes of Red Hat 8.0
the parameter passed to the ide-cd module to disable
DMA (which is disabled by default in RH 8.0, BTW) is
dma=0, and that is part of a line in
/etc/modules.conf, not something that can be passed at
the boot prompt.

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