sön 2004-01-04 klockan 13.12 skrev Andre Luis Lopes:
> The problem is that $FSCHOICES, which seems to be mentioned only in
> tools/partconf/partconf.c, can not be translated at all. Both
> partconf/existing-filesystems and partcnf/create-filesystems simply
> takes its value and put it into the Choices fields. Both Choices fields
> (from both templates) are properly marked as translatable but the
> problem is that $FSCHOICES cannot be translated (obviously), without
> translators having a look at which are the filesystems options available
> int the source code and hand-listing them into the templates. This would
> clearly break the dynamic behaviour of partconf regarding supported
> filesystems.
> Does someone have a clue if it's really possible to allow the options
> presented to the user (retrieved from the $FSCHOICES variable)
> be translated without breaking the dynamic behaviour of partconf ?
> I mean, when more filesystems get included/supported into partconf in
> the future, translators would need to update all their translations
> again if no dynamic approach (like the one which is being used
> currently) is used.

I am *fairly* sure (though far from 100%) that when I wrote that,
METAGET description would return the translated description. That's the
whole point of the partconf/internal-create-fs-choice template.

I'm not sure if that's a bug or a feature, but that was the intention,
anyway. :/

Martin Sjögren
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