* Daniele Nicolodi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-12-08 21:28]:
| On Mon, Dec 08, 2003 at 08:44:18PM +0100, Thorsten Sauter wrote:
| > please try the following command on the second console:
| > 
| >     /usr/lib/partconf/find-partitions | grep LVM
| > 
| > This should display all available LVM (0x8e) partitions.
| It was one of the first things i have done to investigate the problem and
| i have found it doesn't work. I get a line without partition type
| instead of LVM. Ofcourse in cfdisk i have make a partition with type LVM
| (0x0E) and, i have yust checked, it is correclty reported by cfdisk as
| Linux LVM partition.

well, please report the bug to partconf, if it isn't yet reported.
find-partitions is a small script, which is taken from partconf.


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