Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
> Am Fre, den 07.11.2003 schrieb Joey Hess um 17:58:
> > Thank you tremeously for this report. I was worried that powerpc was
> > broken again, but it seems it generally works. I think we can update the
> > last known good CD image (Oct 8th -> Nov 7th, wow!) for both i386 and
> > powerpc now.
> If possible only update the businesscard link for powerpc. the netinst
> iso is still broken (initrd-tools are missing). If manty adds them and
> the dependencies cramfsprogs and module-init-tools then netinst images
> should be working too. 

Unfortunatly they're both already updated. 

If those are only needed for a kernel we are not yet using on the
powerpc CD's, it can wait. Although it's also fine if Manty adds them of

see shy jo

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