Alastair, here are base-config and silo-installer po files, btw, I just found 
out, while reading through this list about: and found in status.utf8.txt 
file new untranslated and some fuzzy strings. So it seems that I still have 
some work to do :)

Regards to everyone

Safir Secerovic
#    Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext
#    documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to
#    this format, e.g. by running:
#         info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
#         info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
#    Some information specific to po-debconf are available at
#            /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
#         or
#    Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: base-config_cvs\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-10-28 00:31+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-11-04 19:27+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Safir Šećerović <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"Language-Team: Bosnian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:3
msgid "Welcome to your new Debian system!"
msgstr "Dobrodošli na vaš novi Debian sistem!"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:3
msgid "This program will now walk you through the process of setting up your newly 
installed system. It will start with the basics -- time zone selection, setting a root 
password and adding a user, and then progress to installing additional software to 
tune this new Debian system to your needs."
msgstr "Ovaj program će vas provesti kroz proces podešavanja vašeg novo 
instaliranog sistema. Početi ćemo od osnova -- odabir vremenske zone, postavljanja 
root šifre i dodavanja korisnika, a onda idemo na instaliranje dodatnog softwarea da 
bismo prilagodili ovaj novi Debian sistem prema vašim potrebama."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:3
msgid "If you want to revisit this setup process at a later date, just run 
msgstr "Ako želite kasnije ponoviti ovaj setup, pokrenite /usr/sbin/base-config."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:16
msgid "Do you want to use a PPP connection to install the system?"
msgstr "Da li želite instalirati sistem preko PPP (dial-up, ISDN i sl.) konekcije?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:16
msgid "If you have an account on an ISP, and you want to use it to fetch the packages 
to install on the system from the Internet, you may configure the PPP service now, and 
open a PPP connection to your ISP."
msgstr "Ako imate račun kod ISP-a i želite ga koristiti za dobavljanje paketa za 
instaliranje sistema preko Interneta, sada možete podesiti PPP servis i uspostaviti 
konekciju sa vašim ISP-om."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../templates:24
msgid "Choose a program to run:"
msgstr "Izaberite program za pokrenuti:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../templates:24
msgid "You currently have a very minimal Debian system installed. You should probably 
choose more software to be installed to customize the computer for your particular 
needs. The following methods are available to select more software."
msgstr "Trenutno se instaliran minimalni Debian sistem. Vjerovatno bi trebali izabrati 
još software-a za instalaciju kako bi prilagodili računar vašim potrebama. Za izbor 
dodatnog softwarea dostupne su sljedeće metode."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:33
msgid "Packages failed to install. Back up and try again?"
msgstr "Paketi se ne mogu instalirati. Napravi rezervnu kopiju i pokušaj ponovo?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:33
msgid "One or more packages failed to install. This is probably due to bugs in the 
packages. (Sorry; Debian's not perfect!)"
msgstr "Jedan ili više paketa se ne mogu instalirati. Vjerovatno se radi o greškama 
u paketima. (Žalim; Debian nije savršen!)"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:33
msgid "Simply trying to install those packages (or a slightly different set of 
packages) again may work around the problem, or at least move the installation process 
along a little further. If you want, you can go back to the package selection step, 
and try again."
msgstr "Jednostavno, ponovni pokušaj instaliranja tih paketa (ili malo drukčijeg 
skupa paketa), bi mogao riješiti problem, ili barem nastaviti instalacijski proces 
malo dalje. Ako želite, možete se vratiti na korak za odabir paketa i pokušati 

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:33
msgid "If you decide not to try again, bear in mind that some packages on your system 
will be in a broken state until you manually resolve the problem."
msgstr "Ako odlučite da ne pokušate ponovo, imajte na umu da će neki paketi na 
vašem sistemu biti u neispravnom stanju dok ručno ne riješite problem."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:48
msgid "Do you want me to close the PPP connection?"
msgstr "Da li da zatvorim PPP konekciju?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:48
msgid "The installation is complete. I can close the PPP connection to your  ISP now 
or I can keep it open if you want."
msgstr "Instalacija je završena. Mogu zatvoriti PPP konekciju sa vašim ISP-om sada 
ili je mogu držati otvorenom ako želite."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:48
msgid "If you decide to keep it open, remember to use 'poff' to close it when you 
msgstr "Ako odlučite da je držite otvorenom, zapamtite da koristite 'poff' naredbu 
kada završite."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:57
msgid "Thank you for choosing Debian!"
msgstr "Hvala Vam što ste izabrali Debian!"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:57
msgid "You may now login at the login: prompt."
msgstr "Možete se logovati na login: prompt."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../templates:63
msgid "Enter the system's hostname including domain name."
msgstr "Unesite hostname sistema uključujući domain name."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../templates:63
msgid "The hostname is a name that identifies your system to the network. If you don't 
know what your hostname should be, consult your network administrator.  If you are 
setting up your own home network, you can make something up here.  We recommend using 
the full qualified name, including domain name."
msgstr "Hostname je naziv koji identificira vaš sistem na mreži. Ako ne znate kakav 
bi vaš hostname trebao biti, konsultujte vašeg mrežnog administratora.  Ako 
koristite računar kod kuće, možete izmisliti neki naziv ovdje (npr. debian).  Mi 
preporučujemo korištenje potpunog kvalifikovanog naziva (fqdn), uključujući domain 

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:72
msgid "The hostname \"${HOSTNAME}\" is invalid."
msgstr "Hostname \"${HOSTNAME}\" nije pravilno unesen."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../templates:72
msgid "A valid hostname may contain period-separated parts containing only 
alphanumeric characters and the minus sign, be between 2 and 63 characters long, and 
each part cannot begin or end with a minus sign."
msgstr "Pravilan hostname sadržava dijelove rastavljene tačkama koji sadrže samo 
alfanumeričke znakove i minus, može biti između 2 i 63 znaka dugo i svaki dio 
nemože počinjati ili završavati sa minusom."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:80
msgid "Do you want to start the graphical display manager?"
msgstr "Da li želite pokrenuti graphical display manager?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../templates:80
msgid "The graphical display manager make it possible to log in using a graphical 
msgstr "Graphical display manager omogućava vam logovanje na sistem koristeći 
grafičku okolinu?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:4
msgid "Is the hardware clock set to GMT?"
msgstr "Je li (hardware) sahat računara podešen na GMT?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:4
msgid "Unix system clocks are generally set to GMT (\"Greenwich Mean Time\", also 
known as \"Universal Coordinated Time\", or UTC). The operating system knows your time 
zone and converts system time into the local time. You can specify whether the 
hardware clock is set to either GMT (recommended for a Linux-only system) or local 
time (which may be more convenient for a system that also runs other operating systems 
or an off-the-shelf PC)."
msgstr "Unix sistemski sahati su općenito podešeni na GMT (\"srednjegriničko 
vrijeme\", takođe poznato kao \"Universal Coordinated Time\" ili UTC). Operativni 
sistem poznaje vašu vremensku zonu i pretvara sistemsko vrijeme u lokalno vrijeme. 
Možete podesiti da sahat računara bude postavljen na GMT (preporučeno ako na 
računaru imate samo Linux) ili lokalno vrijeme (što može biti pogodnije za računar 
na kojem se nalaze drugi operativni sistemi ili novi PC)."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:4
msgid "The hardware clock says the time is now ${hwtime}."
msgstr "Sahat računara pokazuje da je sada ${hwtime}."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:17
msgid "Do you want to change your current time zone?"
msgstr "Da li želite promijeniti vašu trenutnu vremensku zonu?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:17
msgid "Your current time zone is set to ${timezone}."
msgstr "Vaša trenutna vremenska zona je ${timezone}."

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:22
msgid "Africa, America, US, Canada, Asia, Atlantic Ocean, Australia, Europe, Indian 
Ocean, Pacific Ocean, System V style time zones, None of the above"
msgstr "Afrika, Amerika, SAD, Kanada, Azija, Atlantski okean, Australija, Evropa, 
Indijski okean, Tihi okean, System V stil vremenske zone, Nijedna od navedenih"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:23
msgid "What area is your desired time zone in?"
msgstr "U kojem se području nalazi vaša željena vremenska zona?"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:23
msgid "Pick the geographic area in which the time zone you desire is located."
msgstr "Izaberite geografsko područje u kojem se nalazi vaša željena vremenska 

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:29
msgid "Select a city or time zone:"
msgstr "Izaberite grad ili vremensku zonu:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:29
msgid "Cities represent the time zone in which they are located, so you may choose any 
city in the desired time zone."
msgstr "Gradovi predstavljaju vremensku zonu u kojoj se nalaze, tako da možete 
izabrati grad u željenoj vremenskoj zoni."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:35
msgid "Are you happy with your choices?"
msgstr "Da li ste zadovoljni sa vašim izborom?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:35
msgid "Here is your selected time zone information."
msgstr "Evo nekih informacija o odabranoj vremenskoj zoni."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:35
msgid ""
" Local time is now:          ${tzdate}\n"
" Universal Time is now:      ${utdate}\n"
" Time zone is set to:        ${timezone}"
msgstr ""
" Lokalno vrijeme:          ${tzdate}\n"
" Vrijeme po griniču:      ${utdate}\n"
" Vremenska zona:        ${timezone}"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../tzsetup.templates:35
msgid "If something looks wrong, you can go through the setup process again."
msgstr "Ako nešto nije u redu, možete ponovo proći kroz ovaj setup proces."

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:3
msgid "cdrom, http, ftp, filesystem, edit sources list by hand"
msgstr "cdrom, http, ftp, filesystem, ručno uredite sources.list"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:5
msgid "Choose the method apt should use to access the Debian archive:"
msgstr "Izaberite metod koji će koristiti apt za pristup Debian arhivi paketa:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:5
msgid "Apt can access the Debian archive in a variety of ways. Choose the access 
method apt should use. For example if you have a Debian cd, select \"cdrom\", while if 
you plan to install via a Debian mirror, choose \"ftp\" or \"http\"."
msgstr "Apt može pristupiti Debian arhivi na razne načine. Izaberite metod pristupa 
koji će apt koristiti. Na primjer, ako imate Debian CD, odaberite \"cdrom\", a ako 
planirate instalaciju preko Debian mirrora, izaberite\"ftp\" ili \"http\"."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:5
msgid "${note}"
msgstr "${note}"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:17
msgid "Select a country:"
msgstr "Izaberite zemlju:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:17
msgid "Select the country the mirror should be in. The goal is to find a mirror that 
is close to you on the network -- be aware that near countries, or even your own, may 
not be the best choice."
msgstr "Izaberite zemlju u kojoj se nalazi mirror. Cilj je pronaći mirror vama blizak 
na mreži -- primjetite da susjedna zemlja, ili čak vaša zemlja, ne mora biti 
najbolji izbor."

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:26
msgid "Choose the Debian mirror to use:"
msgstr "Izaberite Debian mirror koji će se koristiti:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:26
msgid "Select the Debian mirror apt should use. You should select a mirror that is 
close to you on the net."
msgstr "Izaberite Debian mirror koji će koristiti apt. Trebate izabrati mirror koji 
je blizak vama na mreži."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:32
msgid "Enter mirror hostname:"
msgstr "Unesite hostname mirrora:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:32
msgid "Enter the hostname of the Debian mirror you want to use."
msgstr "Unesite hostname Debian mirrora koji želite koristiti."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:38
msgid "Enter mirror directory:"
msgstr "Unesite direktorij mirrora:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:38
msgid "Enter the directory the Debian mirror is located in."
msgstr "Unesite direktorij u kome se nalazi Debian mirror."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:43
msgid "The directory you entered does not exist."
msgstr "Unešeni direktorij ne postoji."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:48
msgid "Mirror not found."
msgstr "Mirror nije pronađen."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:48
msgid "The directory you entered does not contain a subdirectory named \"dists\", so 
it doesn't seem to be a Debian mirror."
msgstr "Direktorij koji ste unijeli ne sadrži poddirektorij koji se zove \"dists\", 
tako da se izgleda ne radi Debian mirror-u."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:54
msgid "Enter CD ROM device file:"
msgstr "Unesite naziv datoteke za CD ROM uređaj:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:54
msgid "This program was unable to auto-detect a CD ROM drive, or there is no usable CD 
in the drive. Enter the device file to use to access your CD ROM, and place a Debian 
CD in the drive."
msgstr "Ovaj program nije u mogućnosti automatski pronaći vaš CD ROM pogon, ili 
pogon ne sadrži ispravan CD. Unesite naziv datoteke uređaja koja će se koristiti za 
pristup CD ROM-u i ubacite Debian CD u pogon."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:61
msgid "Bad CD"
msgstr "Pogrešan CD"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:61
msgid "Your CD drive was detected, but it does not seem to have a Debian CD in it."
msgstr "Vaš CD pogon je pronađen, ali izgleda da ne sadrži Debian CD."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:68
msgid "Scan another CD?"
msgstr "Pretražiti drugi CD?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:68
msgid "If you have another Debian CD (for example, the second in a two CD set), you 
should insert and scan it now."
msgstr "Ako imate sljedeći Debian CD (npr., drugi u nizu od dva), trebate ga ubaciti 
radi evidentiranja."

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:75
msgid "Use non-free software?"
msgstr "Da li želite koristiti non-free software?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:75
msgid "Some non-free software has been made to work with Debian. Though this software 
is not at all a part of Debian, standard Debian tools can be used to install it. This 
software has varying licenses which may prevent you from using, modifying, or sharing 
it. Do you want to have it available anyway?"
msgstr "Neki non-free software je prilagođen za Debian. Iako ovaj software uopšte 
nije dio Debiana, standardni Debian alati se koriste za instalaciju ovog softwarea. 
Ovaj software je izdat pod različitim licencama koje vam mogu sprječavati njegovo 
korištenje, modifikovanje ili dijeljenje. Da li ipak želite da vam ovaj software 
bude dostupan?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:85
msgid "Use non-US software?"
msgstr "Da li želite koristiti non-US software?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:85
msgid "Some software in Debian must be downloaded from sites outside the United 
States. This includes some cryptographic software, and some software with patent 
problems in the US. Do you want this software to be made available to you?"
msgstr "Neki dijelovi softwarea u Debianu se moraju skinuti sa servera koji se nalaze 
vam SAD-a. Ovo uključuje određeni kriptografski software i određeni software sa 
problemima vezanim za patente u SAD-u. Da li želite da vam ovaj software bude 

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:94
msgid "Use contrib software?"
msgstr "Da li želite koristiti contrib software?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:94
msgid "Some additional software has been made to work with Debian. Though this 
software is free, it depends on non-free software for its operation. This software is 
not at all a part of Debian, but standard Debian tools can be used to install it. 
Would you like to have it available?"
msgstr "Određeni dodatni software je prilagođen za Debian. Iako je ovaj software 
free (slobodan), on ovisi o non-free softwareu kako bi mogao funkcionisati. Ovaj 
software uopšte nije dio Debiana, standardni Debian alati se koriste za instalaciju 
ovog softwarea"

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:102
msgid "stable, unstable, testing"
msgstr "stable, unstable, testing"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:104
msgid "Select Debian distribution to use:"
msgstr "Izaberite Debian distribuciju koju ćete koristiti:"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:104
msgid "Debian comes in several flavors. Stable is well-tested and rarely changes. 
Unstable is untested and frequently changing. Testing is a middle ground, that 
receives many of the new versions from unstable if they are not too buggy. Which 
version of Debian do you wish to install?"
msgstr "Debian dolazi u nekoliko varijanti. Stable je dobro-testirana i rijetko se 
mijenja. Unstable nije testirana i često se mijenja. Testing je sredina u koju ulaze 
mnoge nove verzije softwarea iz unstablea ako ne sadrže previše bugova. Koju verziju 
Debiana želite instalirati? (Stable, op.prev.)"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:112
msgid "Failed to access the Debian archive"
msgstr "Ne mogu pristupiti Debian arhivi"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:112
msgid "When I tried to access the debian archive using the information you provided, 
apt gave the following error. I will run through the questions again, try to correct 
the error."
msgstr "Prilikom pokušaja pristupa Debian arhivi koristeći informacije dobivene od 
vas, apt je prijavio sljedeću grešku. Ponoviću pitanja, pokušajte ispraviti 

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:122
msgid "Add another apt source?"
msgstr "Dodati drugi apt source?"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:122
msgid "Apt is now configured, and should be able to install Debian packages. However, 
you may want to add another source to apt, so it can download packages from more than 
one location."
msgstr "Apt je sada podešen i trebao bi moći instalirati Debian pakete. Međutim, 
možda biste željeli dodati drugi apt source kako bi mogao skinuti pakete sa više od 
jedne lokacije."

#. Type: select
#. Choices
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:129
msgid "edit, revert to backup"
msgstr "uredi, vrati na rezervnu kopiju"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:130
msgid "What do you want to do?"
msgstr "Šta želite uraditi?"

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:130
msgid "The entries you made in sources.list did not work. Here is the error message 
from apt:"
msgstr "Unosi koje ste naveli u sources.list ne rade. Evo poruke o grešci od programa 

#. Type: select
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:130
msgid "I have a backup of the sources.list from before you edited it. Should I revert 
to that backup, or would you like to edit the existing file and fix it?"
msgstr "Postoji rezervna kopija sources.list datoteke prije nego ste je izmijenili. Da 
li da se vratim na rezervnu kopiju ili bi željeli da uredite postojeću datoteku radi 

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:142
msgid "Cannot access non-US software."
msgstr "Ne mogu pristupiti non-US softwareu."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:142
msgid "I cannot access the Debian archive site that contains non-US software, so that 
software will not be made available to you. The error message I received from apt was:"
msgstr "Ne mogu pristupiti Debian arhivi koja sadrži non-US software, tako da će vam 
taj software biti nedostupan. Poruke o grešci primljena od programa apt je:"

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:151
msgid "Enter http proxy information, or leave blank for none:"
msgstr "Unesite informaciju o http proxy serveru, ili ostavite prazno ako nemate 

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:151
msgid "If you need to use a http proxy to access the outside world, enter the proxy 
information here. Otherwise, leave this blank."
msgstr "Ako vam treba http proxy za pristup vanjskoj mreži, unesite informaciju o 
proxy serveru ovdje. U suprotnom, ostavite prazno."

#. Type: string
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:151
msgid "When entering proxy information, use the standard form of 
\"http://[[user][:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port]\""
msgstr "Prilikom unošenja informacije o proxy, koristite standardni oblik sastavljen 
od \"http://[[user][:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:port]/\""

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:161
msgid "Use security updates from"
msgstr "Da li želite koristiti sigurnosne zakrpe sa"

#. Type: boolean
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:161
msgid "Debian provides timely security updates via the website . Should these updates be tracked each time you upgrade 
your system? If you are on the Internet, this is generally a good idea."
msgstr "Debian povremeno izdaje sigurnosne zakrpe preko web stranice . Da li želite da pratim ove zakrpe svaki puta kada 
izvršite nadogradnju vašeg sistema? Ovo se preporučuje, ako ste priključeni na 

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:169
msgid "Cannot access security updates."
msgstr "Ne mogu pristupiti sigurnosnim zakrpama."

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:169
msgid "I cannot access the security updates on, so those updates 
will not be made available to you at this time. You may want to investigate this 
later.. Commented out entries for have been added to the bottom of 
/etc/apt/sources.list . The error message I received from apt was:"
msgstr "Ne mogu pristupiti sigurnosnim zakrpama na, tako da vam 
sada te zakrpe neće biti dostupne. Možete ovo kasnije ispitati.. Otkomentirani 
redovi za su dodani na dno datoteke /etc/apt/sources.list . Poruka 
o grešci primljena od programa apt je:"

#. Type: note
#. Description
#: ../../apt-setup.templates:169
msgid "${apt_error}"
msgstr "${apt_error}"

#    Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext
#    documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to
#    this format, e.g. by running:
#         info -n '(gettext)PO Files'
#         info -n '(gettext)Header Entry'
#    Some information specific to po-debconf are available at
#            /usr/share/doc/po-debconf/README-trans
#         or
#    Developers do not need to manually edit POT or PO files.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: silo-installer_cvs\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-09-18 23:04+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-09-18 23:04+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Safir Šećerović <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"Language-Team: Bosnian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. Description
#: ../silo-installer.templates:4
msgid "Please select the partition on which you want to install silo."
msgstr "Molim izaberite particiju na koju želite instalirati silo"

#. Description
#: ../silo-installer.templates:4
msgid ""
"Partitions currently available in your system are listed. Please choose the "
"one you want silo to use to boot Debian."
msgstr "Particije koje su dostupne na vašem sistemu su izlistane. Molim izaberite"
"onu koju želite da silo koristi za bootanje Debiana."
#. Description
#: ../silo-installer.templates:10
msgid "No boot partitions detected"
msgstr "Boot particije nisu pronađene"

#. Description
#: ../silo-installer.templates:10
msgid ""
"There were no suitable partitions found for silo to use.  silo needs a "
"partition with a FAT filesystem, and the boot flag set."
msgstr "Odgovarajuće particije, koje bi silo koristio, nisu pronađene.  silo treba 
partciju sa FAT filesystemom koja sa postavljenom boot stavkom."

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